How Do I Stop My Hair From Getting Crunchy?

It is easy to get rid of the crunches you have on your hair especially during the winter times that make your hair look dry and dead in appearance. The texture, shine and smoothness are lost due to but still with some few steps you can make it right.

Step 1: Clean your hair

The prominent part of your hair must be cleanliness and thus you must wash them properly before starting any treatment on them. You must use your regular shampoo and conditioner for washing your hair without switching the products in eager to try something new. In case, if you are experiencing itchiness, dryness, your hairs are getting too greasy or weak in strength, your hairs are becoming dry or brittle in nature and also after washing they become dirty then it is time to change your shampoo and conditioner.

For this, you must first check the ingredients, know the label and choose accordingly that will suit your hair and make them healthy afterwards. If you find sulfates in your shampoo, then you must immediately replace it as it is very harmful to your hair and is too strong for them. This can also lead to washing away the natural oil of your scalp which usually works to protect your hair from getting a break and also keep your scalp healthy. The natural oil also retains the moisture on hair and without them, your hair becomes dry, brittle in looks and also makes you experience itchiness and makes your hair look too greasy in appearance.

Step 2: Choose your product wisely

ou must buy the best mousse for curly hair not crunchy for yourself as it will help your hair in better growth and will also remove the problem of crunches that you experience mostly during the wintertime. Your best mousse for curly hair must be designed in such a way that it is of higher quality and also gives you a salon-like treatment. It must bring back the lost shine and texture of your hair and also make them smooth in looks and makes you curl bouncy by giving them shape and defining the curls. Your hair care product must be harmless from you and must believe in styling your hair rather than damaging them.

It is highly recommended to use the mousse for curly hair which contains three natural ingredients so that it makes your hair soft and have a flexible hold. In case, if you are using the mousse which is based on chemicals that are harmful to your hair then  you will end up flaunting the dry, brittle hair that is crunchy at the end. Also, it is advisable to know about the type of hair you have on your head and buy the hair care products according to them only so that you will be more benefited using the mousse.

Step 3: Do not treat your hair with chemicals

You must keep the chemicals away from your hair as much as possible so that they are harmless to your hair and also keep your hair healthy and fine and also make it strong in strength. Furthermore, you must lookout for the weather every time you step out of the house and if it is bad then it is recommended to wear a hat over your head so that your hair can be prevented from the dryness and  crunchy and also avoid the frizz. The use of chemicals on your hair can easily weaken the strand and can also wash away the natural moisture from your head and wash away the natural oil even from the scalp of your head which is meant to be preventing your hair from the breakage.

In case, if you are planning to colour your hair then try to give them the three shades within your natural colour so that they are not dull or frizzy in appearance and also do not lose their natural shine, texture and smoothness. The reason behind choosing the shade which is within your natural hair colour is that it will require less processing and your hair will be treated with less amount of chemicals and thus they will get rid of the damages caused by harmful chemicals.

Step 4: Trim off your hair

It is very important to trim off your hair every 3 months so that they can have normal growth and can also get rid of the splitting ends and other damages experienced by your hair, crunchy, loss of texture, breakage and even dandruff. This will also help you in retaining the moisture and natural oil on your scalp which will keep your healthy hair hydrated and have ample amount of volume and also give them an appearance like they have got a salon-like treatment.

In case, if you are using the hot tools on your hair for styling them as such straightener or colouring them, then it is a prominent step to trim your hair for 6 to 8 inch so that they can be prevented from any damages caused by the heating tools. It is advisable to not to strip your hair at home and you usually have the dry scissors which can be more harmful but you can go to the professional to do this work.


It is the wish of every man and woman to have hair on their head which is not crunchy or dull in appearance and is very strong in strength. The natural shining texture and even the smoothness can make a human being look comfortable and confident enough so it is better to use the mousse which can tame the frizzy hair and can make you look more beautiful and define the curl as well. We highly hope that this article might have helped you in knowing the ways of taming the crunchy hair and how to stop it from growing crunchy.